
Thursday, February 28, 2008

return to the blog

Grandma Letty has been spending all her time teaching and learning; she has taken the California Real Estate Exam after much study, and will not get the problematical results for a few more days. Hence, the home movie" Return to the Blog."
It occured to Grandma Letty that in the seven years she has lived in California, she has amassed four licenses: 1)dog;2)marriage;3)tax preparer;4)real estate (assuming she passes a very hard exam.) Certainly, the one that so far has worked out the best is #2. Number 3 paid only a little more than the investment to get it; Number 4 has great promise, because the aforesaid grandma letty sold Timeshare in Orlando for a grand total of about 12 years. Believe me, that paid well.
No reason to believe it won't be the same, here.
Further, if the place I want to sell weeks takes me in, it's right down the road. Commuting in San Diego county, my place of residence, is a killer. The timeshare I hope to work at is 15 minutes away on NO FREEWAYS AT ALL.

Can you imagine how appealing that is? Probably not, but take my word its the boon of all boons.

Wish me luck, dearest ones. My first buy will be a family reunion here, with airfares paid to the far-flung relatives. Kids, that's you. Cross your fingers, and those of you who pray could do a little of that.