
Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Nobel! A Nobel!

Well, really. The curmudgeons are having a field day. At our senior citizens park the other day, the reaction was "Why?"
Fortunately, the cable chatter featured an expert or two who elaborated. One said that although our president, unaware of his candidacy, was nominated six days after he won; that was the closing date for names. But the voting took place AFTER he had led the atomic energy meeting of six (seven?) U. N. Security council nations who had reached a tentative agreement about disarmament. That had clinched the deal, the expert said.
Another factor had been his speech in Cairo which re-formatted the American approach to the Muslim world. Another had been his groundbreaking analysis of race during the campaign. And lastly came his work on climate change, another reformatting.
Let's face it: So far, it's primarily what he said. But people who characterize him as just a smooth talker overlook two fundamental changes he represents: He is capable of analysis, a trait long missing in this country. He is, furthermore, capable of eloquence. Kids, eloquence stirrs. That's why your grandma signed on lo these three years ago. I would even guess that was a major factor in his unbelieveably groundbreaking victory.
Don't forget, the very fact he put himself out there in a country with very little history of race tolerance was amazing. Don't tell me, the Nobel committee didn't cotton to that, too.
I'm so pround. I knew he was a winner in Iowa.