
Friday, November 7, 2008

Oh,yeah. They forgot

In the endless disection of the McCain loss, everyone has forgotten what I believe was a seminal moment: He didn't know how many houses he had. He left all that to Cindy (or more likely, her secretary.)While some comic derision followed his answer, McCain really lost his credibililty on the economic issues, which he admitted were his weak suit.
But what did he do to compensate? He cozied it up with Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Senator who was deregulator #1 in the congress, and thus primarily responsible for the non-insurance of most of the mortgage securities.
When Obama added his four stipulations, formed by his economic team of Buffet and Volker etc, which included no inflated CEO bonuses, etc., McCain sat like a stone in the planning meeting according to observers. That was the meeting he suspended his campaign to attend. Stunt #1.
Stunt #2: Sarah Palin, an empty-headed Miss Wasilla who had lucked into the governor's chair in Alaska after falling into the hands of a tactian who sensed she could be a fine figurehead for his program of a gas pipeline. Like Bush who had so little understanding of women of accomplishment he nominated Harriet whats-her-name for the supreme court, McCain evidently thought that since Palin had reproductive equipment, she would steal the disgruntled Hillary vote. How thick can he be?
Let me digress: A few years ago, when Tiger Woods won the golf scene, a well-known columnist lamented that "they have taken over baseball and football; now they have golf."
He He He. I wonder what that guy is thinking now???????