
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here's what it used to be like when I was young


Grandma Letty, in her day, was something of a superstar. Salutatorian of her High School Class (the Valedictorian got an A in orchestra and Grandma Letty got a B in Chorus. That made the difference.) Delegate to Girl's State and elected Attorney General There, State wide debater earning many, many trophies, and a college record that included "Outstanding Woman in Journalism, writing awards, presidency of the class and of her sorority,Editor of the Daily Newspaper, National Debater, Judge on the Student Court,Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, etc etc etc.

You know what? When I flashed that resume, the best job I could get was as an Editorial Assistant. My equivalent, I think, was Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connnor who graduated (at the same time) first in her class at Stanford University Law School and was offered a job (the only one) as a Paralegal. Gender discrimination was such a fact of life for us ladies of the 50's that we just accepted it. In hindsight, we should have raised hell.

I am tickled pink that my smart and savvy grandbabies will be taken seriously. I sincerely hope they aim high. We were cowed. They needn't be.

Now, It's The Clintons

Hello, dears

Have you noticed? It's no longer "Hillary". It's "The Clintons." Since I did so well with predicting the New Hampshire primary, I'll go out on a limb, again. Since even the really big boys in the media are calling them "the clintons," I think the average American queasiness about the pair running the country, instead of her, means trouble. I'll pick Obama for the winner in Super Tuesday.
Of all the endorsements Barack has garnered, I think Caroline Kennedy's is the most telling: she wrote in the New York Times that he could be the kind of president her father was. WOW. Only I said it louder: WOW.
Isn't this fun? Twice as many voters came out in South Carolina as had voted four years ago. There really is the potential for a new, broader, more diverse coalition in the Democratic party. Obama said he admired Reagan for forging a new vision for Republicans. He DID NOT say he admired Reagan's stance or issues, as the Clintons (there it is again) advertised.
Anyhow, I sent money to McCain in 2000. Today, I'm sending a similar pittance to Obama.