
Monday, April 14, 2008

So proud of the evangelicals (it's true)

Last night's compassion forum on CNN with Barack and Hilary proved something I've been claiming for four years, when I parked my Kerry sticker in the parking lot at North Coast Church. To wit: gone are the nutcases. The ministers, one of the my old pastor Joel, asked questions of the candidates about climate change, Darfur, poverty, etc.etc. etc. It fell to the editor of Newsweek to ask about life beginning at conceptions. (The last was adroitly and reasonably answered by the two, quite in line with my convictions.)
In short, evangelicals aren't the lunatic fringe today. I think they used to be, but as more and more thinking people join large churches with large agendas, the questions about homosexuality and gay marriage and abortion are no longer the sole focus. It is true, they are still concerns, but they don't overshadow world-wide concerns of vastly more importance to our planet. God, after all, charges us to have dominion, but not to rape and pillage.

I am tickled pink that the stigma attached to me for seven years of laboring in the evangelical vineyards is beginning to fade, if not disappear. God is having the last word after all.