
Thursday, February 26, 2009

He Thinks He's Wolf Blitzer

We're in a free motel room in Old Town San Diego and Barack is on the TV again. He monopolized the networks night before last, then appeared this morning to hype the outline (!) of his budget. At this rate, he'll be fulfilling my prognostication that he have his own network. Except he's gone one better: He has them all.
Why a free motel room you ask? My dear husband has amassed 32,100 Reward Points after a lifetime spent in Best Western motels. This room ate up 32,000. So much for 50 years of effort.
Does it really go by all in a wink? Lesson learned.
Anyhow, I digress. Only Wolf Blitzer used up this much air time. Now, John King does Sunday but Wolf owns TV weekdays. In eight years, he should run for President.