
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The real villian: the Harvard business schoool

The late, great columnist Art Buchwald once analyzed the 70's oil crisis this way; Since all the sheiks send their sons to the Harvard Business school, that place is the real repository of blame for our problems with oil.

So what has changed? Just that still another gedneration has graduated, and they are using the 700 billion in yearly oil revenues to not only control oil but also to buy up U.S. c ompanies and real estate. The Chrysler Building, for heaven's sake. Do you need another example?

While Shrub (Molly Ivan's name for George W) fiddled with ethanol for the farm lobby, the country fell further and further behind even Brazil, for heaven's sake. Do you need another example?

I am just flabbergasted at Shrub's incompetence. I don't know why I should be, as a C student at Yale who was a cheerleader, a draft dodger, and a business man who failed at every company he even started and who used his daddy's influence to get into business school. Ye Gods, what did we expect?

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