
Sunday, November 16, 2008

It took a Little Old Lady in Vista, CA

I am a great fan of Media Critics, both in the press and on the telly with the esteemed Howard Kurtz.
Lately, they all missed one of the amazing stories of the year.
In the latest Congo Rebellion, it was not Condi Rice who negotiated with the rebel leader. She was probably playing the piano in Crawford. It was, of all people, Kyra Phillips, the afternoon anchor on CNN. She got the guy on the little camera phone, asked him if he'd heed a cease fire, and he said yes. Here's what the State Department is missing: These guys love to be on TV. They know what CNN is. They probably watch it in their opium dens in living color. Obviously, Kyra Phillips has more clout than Condi Rice. Condi Rice hasn't won an Emmy. Kyra Phillips has.
But that's just the CNN beginning. During the election, which they covered so splendidly they even time travelled Jessica Yellin, it was beleaguered money man what's his name (see; I'm old) who manned the complaints nationally about election irregularities. He even had a magic map which showed the thousands of calls and their locations. He even trouble shot with state and local election officials in those complaint areas. He even resolved complaints. (Oh, God, I know his name as well as I know my own. I watch him on Your Money and admire him enormously. My advice: don't get old.)
Barack is already on to it. He has his fireside chat on You Tube. He probably has the power to move the CNN government to his purposes by posting his government on Twitter or even his webpage. To think this through, he praises accountability and what could be more transparent than taking over a TV network for his governing. I propose Fox. And I think Keith Oberman, with his 30 million dollars, should be his interlocutor.
Damn, I still can't think of the CNN anchor who handled the complaints. I know I could look on their website but I'm on a roll.......