
Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Dear Grandchildren,

Like all the heavy hitters, I believed the polls. I thought it would be Obama in New Hampshire by 10 points. Fortunately, only the one or two of you who read this knew I was wrong. Contrast that with "The Best Political Team on Television" and the News Hour Crew. Contrast that with Mark Halperin, the political editor of Time magazine.

Do you know what they told all of America? Donna Brazil (a heavy hitter in more ways than one) and Gore's old campaign manager said at 7 Eastern time last night as the polls closed that "Obama is a tidal wave that can't be stopped." Evidently, among their other skills, the Clintons can stop tidal waves. Mark Halperin didn't even include Arkansas governor Huckabee among the list of real contenders for the Presidency in his new book, and told an Arkansas audience in September that Huckabee had no chance for election. Last night he beat Guliani in a state where the latter had been stumping since last year.

Now I know I'm just a garden variety political junkie who has zilch national standing after a lifetime in the garden variety press, but at least I don't have public egg on my face. Nor did I have a large meal of my words at 10 p.m. Pacific Time.

I'm beginning to think being inconsequential is a good thing.

Love to you all
Your grandma