
Monday, September 19, 2011

What Are We Doing Here?

The above title was the question at last week's soiree at our old folks Trailer  Park, and the answer came to  us with unbelievable certainty:  We are ushering one another off the planet.
And we do so with panache.  Heroes collect bottles and cans every monday and a group of oldsters use the proceeds to plan monthly parties which we all enjoy.
Other Seniors man a busy library/TV room to entertain  us on those long, lonely widow-evenings or when a spouse is watching a football game. We even have a computer room designed by our two techies out of spare parts (not the techies spare parts, the spare parts of discarded earlier computers). They, the techies, keep it going.
Since most of  us remember the "don't trust anyone over 30"slogans of the 60's, most of us are really surprised to be going (sort-of) strong in our 70's.  Most of us have downsized because the "big House" required lifting and scrubbing and climbing we could no longer do. We live here on Social Security and Food Stanps and most of us look up to see the Poverty Line.
That's ok. We have each other and our bingo and card games and potlucks and heated pool and jacuzzi and parties and we feel fortunate.(Grsndma Letty is the author of Murder at the Trailer Park, available from Linhart Publishing at http:linhartpublishing,com.)
We may be in a holding tank for the mortuary, but we make the best of it.