
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jokes that fly over their heads

We oldsters often slide sly silly sayings past puzzled people. I have an example: On the commuter train, the Coater, I so often stood in line for the car's toilet that i finally told the next guy in line, "I have an antique bladder."

Back at the trailer park, they thought that was pretty funny.

The other day my hairdresser, a slip of a girl, called me "A foolish old woman." I was so pleased I promptly got a badge fabricated that said"Foolish Old Woman". I wear it on special occasions.

One day I was holding an open house for an owner who was addicted to Glen Beck. I was asked by more rational friends, "How do you stand it?"Simple, I told them. I just turn off my hearing aid. If the whole world did that, it would be a saner place. As a matter of fact, it's a durn shame that everyone doesn't have a hearing aid which could shut out Glen Beck.

My baby girl has a 47th birthday in a few days and I hope to send her a check. If the market behaves, I'll withdraw a bit and do that. But you know, the market is almost as quixotic as Glen Beck.

The other day, John McCain said he had never been a Maverick. Well, I'm his age so I think I'll declare I never have been a Socialist. Wanna fight?

But I bet he has an antique bladder.