
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Too busy writing to write....

Dear ones:
I am, at last, making a living (sort of) doing what I love to do. I'm bidding on projects on and getting about one hit in 15. Since there seem to be 8,000 unemployed journalists, of whom one is I, then I consider myself lucky.
But sentimental old GL, when she finds a project that is really rewarding, bids low. For example, my next-to-last deal was with a sober alcoholic in Wisconsin who wanted an editor for his book.
Now, a book editor fee is usually in the thousands. To make sure she got it, guess what your softy of a grandma bid? $75.
Dears, I will never send all 24 of you to college at this rate, and I regret that deeply, but I will do something I believe in. Besides, two of you have already graduated from a 4-year college, with loans and scholarships.
The rest of you: Take heed. Obama is passing out college money. Remind him, when you apply, that your grandma was a supporter before Ohio. And that he reproduced my blog on his website. That should be worth something.