
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas to All

The Christmas letters went out today along with a card with this address on it. I doubt if anyone takes the trouble to find my blog, but it would be heartening if they did. I expect I should be advertising my books but I think the only ones I have stocked are In the End It's Faith and Clues for the Clueless. Either would be yours for $10, and I'll ship and handle free. John and I are appearing at an evangelism festival in Orange County in March and we should unload some there. His much more useful book is Church-led Evangelism Ministry. I'd send that along for the same sum.
I see by the news that Wyndham is downsizing its Timeshare operations. I wonder how many of the old crowd will fall to the axe. I did it early when I wanted a few weeks off for Maine in high season, but I wouldn't have been there long anyway, I suspect. Especially now.
Tough times. Write if you wish to comment, and I am thinking of each and every one of you with fondness and interest.