
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

a black, a woman, and a jew

Dear Grandchildren:

This could never have happened before. First, a black and a woman are vying for our presidency, and now it looks like Mayor (multimillionaire) Bloomberg of New York will enter the race if he thinks he can displace the nominees of both parties. That rounds out the collection of people "who can't win". Who's next? Maybe Georgia Senator Max Clelland, who is a disabled veteran. Or with all the maiming our current president has accomplished, maybe Clelland is just too mainstream.

The early election results certify that Oprah was right, as usual. If Obama defies the odds and carries the election, will he make her Ambassador to Kenya, his turmoil-ridden ancestral country? They certainly need her there. Who was the Washington taste-maker who became an Ambassador? Ethel Merman played her on the stage in "Call Me Madame." Maybe someday a Merman Wannabe will play Oprah in a similar drama! (It just came to me, slowly, as things do nowadays. It was Perle Mesta, the hostess who created congeniality in Washington and was sent as Ambassador to Luxemboug (where she could do no harm.)

Keep up, little ones. Obama's message is for the young, and the young can change the world. We did, for a short two years., a long time ago.