
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Something all of you should know

I'm afraid this bit of history will be lost if I don't record it here. When Grandma Letty was born, lo these many, many years ago, her birth announcement was a Blue Eagle/NRA (National Recovery Administration, not in a million years National Rifle Association). This group was a Roosevelt Brain Trust which your very smart great-grandpa Robert Lemon was a part of; On Grandma Letty's birth announcement was the NRA motto which was, appropriately, "We Do Our Part." Pretty funny, if you ask me.
In fact, great-grandpa Lemon ran for Governor of Kansas when I was five years ago, lost, but put himself in line to realize his ambition, which was to be a federal judge. When Jack Kennedy campaiged in Kansas, it was great-grandpa and great-grandma who introduced him to the Democrat establishment. Naively, Kennedy told them my parents they would be Republicans if they lived in Massachusetts.He was clearly confused by upper-class Democrats. Many years later when I went to graduate school in that state, I met lots of upper-class Democrats; we all voted for a strange man called George McGovern and we were one of two states in the Union who did, but that's another story.
Anyhow, I was always very proud of my papa who died in 1990; he lived long enough to enjoy taking Carole and her pretty Theta sorority sisters to lunch in fancy places to show them off. They all loved him.