
Friday, April 18, 2008

It's Obvious, but I don't read it anywhere.....

Dearest Ones: Emma has a music scholarship and the two graduates this year are honor grads. What could make a grandma happier?
To turn to the meat of this blog (unlike the latest candidates debate which was pure milk), it seems to have escaped everybody that Obama has run a truly amazing campaign. Grandma Letty was observing some months ago that he didn't seem to be afraid of excellence (unlike Hilary who dotes on cronies) and that trait has certainly paid off. So he fraternized with a Weatherman? Grandma Letty fraternized with a Weatherman and took their newsletter in the 70's and harbored notions that while they might be revolutionaries, they were slightly justified revolutionaries. After all, if J Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon were running the country, why not blow them up? Temping, but really not a sound idea in the long run.
But I digress. I get daily updates for the candidate, courtesy of a man called David Plouffe whom I hope will be Chief of Staff. I am seduced into donating once again and having dinner with Barack and four other afficianados. I formed the original gray haired ladies for Obama in Vista, CA, and I phone banked at the labor hall. The quality of callers would make a boiler room head dizzy with delight. This has been a primer for political campaigns, at least the part of it I've seen. The riposte by the candidate that "attacks are the old politics" is resonating. Hilary's negatives climb and climb. If he can get away with this one, we'll be done with swiftboating and 3 a.m. phone calls and get down to brass tacks for a change.
Kids, you're viewing a sea change. Let's hope it holds.