
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home stretch. Barack Obama may be the luckiest candidate in the history of elections. Just as his no-drama, low key style was causing Drama King John McCain to attack and fall even in the polls, came the national economic drama that left Obama's steadiness contrast with McCain's hopping uselessly about like Topsy. In consequence, Colin Powell, the other white black man, endorsed Obama unequivocally. That meant that finger pointing and name calling spewed from an imploding McCain campaign. That led to one commentator coming out and saying, at long last, that the Republican candidate was semi-senile. We've all known that since the Afghanistan border with Iraq comment resonated nationwide. Look, I'm older than McCain. And I would no more run a necessarily punishing campaign for national office than I would drink Drano.
McCain wanted to be President so very, very, very badly that he torpedoed his party. Mitt Romney would have been better. Also lots of Republican governors who were subsumed by the McCain head start. That probably accounts for part of the party sniping. The result is that Obama has realigned the red state blue state split, so carefully promoted by Carl Rove, into a fuzzy purple, here and there.Barack said he admired Reagan for his strategy. Well, then, he has a pretty spiffy strategy record his own self. I love it. The Democrats love it. And the Republicans? They brought it on themselves.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What a Year for a Political Junky

Barak, whom I have phoned for and done without ice cream to donate to, is about to nail it. If all holds current, those two little girls will grow up in the White House. It is just too heady a prospect. He'll think after a few years of office that McCain was gentle and kind compared to what he'll be facing from people and pundits alike.
In this time of turmoil, I have a great anecdote from Nina in Stonington, Maine. She said that since nobody was buying lobsters, the town's money crop, and since the middlemen had shut down and were'nt transporting to market, and since the lobster fishermen only had a few months to make their yearly money, the town was sponsoring a lobsterfest at the town dock where the left-over crustaceans would be sold for a pittance and all 1800 (+) townies would eat like royaland ty for pennies. WONDERFUL.
But I digress. Obama has a rough, rough road when he's elected. Korea. Georgia, Iran, Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, regulations, bail outs, that's just a bit of it. What heartens me is what I wrote last year in the primaries: he's not afraid of excellence. He won't shy away from kknowledgeable, accomplished, and talented thinkers. That will be a real change in Washington. McCain, like Hillary, likes cronies. Barak has built an organization from the ground up that will support him and hold him accountable. I'm oneof those 300,000+ voters and I pledge here and now to do my part!
What do they mean in the editoriall columns and on Fox news that he hasn't done anything much? He's built a worldwide organization that has toppled the Clinton buzzsaw and looks like it's overcoming (chorus of we shall overcome, anyone) the nastiest, dirtiest street fighters who have stolen the last four election for the republicans. That's not very much? Baby, it's everything.

vote on Nov 4, Grandma Letty