
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Heroine, Tina Brown, Advised:

For those dears who don't follow news (and these days, probably none of you do) Tina Brown is the creator/editor of a wildly successful on line paper called The Daily Beast. As of today, I expect all of you to google it. It's a reasonable and newsier Drudge Report, which your uncle Carl swears by.
Today I did what I've wanted to do for the year or two the beast has been in business. I wrote the editor, a snappy blond almost as pretty as I. Because she appears frequently on a MSNBC morning show (don't rush to conclusions; it's pretty moderate Republican) hosted by the last surviving republican moderate, Joe Scarborough, and because the GOP is up against it with attractive candidates, and because the party always seems to do best with show business types, and because Joe is a former member of the House of Representatives, he would be spiffy.
Because of his TVand radio stints, he is also better informed and seemingly intelligent that most of the Luddites in his party. I might even break a long-standing liberal tradition and vote for him.
Anyhow, the point of all this is I Fed the Beast, a department for, sure enough, feeding data to the Daily Beast.
Since I've been right for a few years about politics, and since your Grandfather was honorary secretary of the 1940 Democratic Convention (who supported Wallace instead of Truman and therebye robbed himself of a coveted Federal Judgeship.) and my birth announcement was a National Recovery Administration Blue Eagle with the legend, "We do our part" (papa was one of those, too) I do think my pick is good. Keep this in mind for four years hence.