
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Childish Fun

Dear Ones:
our attention was recently drawn to an old psychiatric theorist named Eric Berne. His goldmine was a book, I'm OK, You're OK which popularized his Transactional Psychology. In it, he described the three parts of every "transaction" (interaction between consenting adults) as emanating from their 'parent' or controlling, punitive manner; their 'adult" or pretty grown up manner, and their "child," or whiney, dependent, submissive manner.
Somebody hauled this old wheeze out to illustrate a point today, and we (grandma letty and husband john) had a flash of insight.
Berne's child may have been a rather unappealing person; John's "child" is a fun-loving, playful hoot. Therefore, when my punitive, controlling parent confronts his child, I laugh. Long and Hard. And we have what amounts to an adult-adult transaction which insists 'We're oK.
Now Berne may have postulated this funny child, but I certainly don't remember it. For years, people like the late Art Linkletter (before your time, little ones, but google him) had been making hay with funny, funny children. His early TV show included "Kids Say the Darndest Things" (has anyone put these on UTube?) and all America tuned in and guffawed. I tell you, as I remember Berne had a very dim view of children. Did I mention he was a psychiatrist? I think when God passed out funny bones, all the psychiatrsts were asleep on their couches.
Also, as an aside, kids, Rachel outdid herself tonight. Broadcasting in a snuggie, she celebrated my guys for "rolling out the couches" for an all-nighter on the Senate Floor, only to have McConnel and Co. fold their filibuster. Harry Reid may lose his election, it seems, but Chuck Shumer is on deck to lead the Senators and I betcha he'll "roll out the couches"at the drop of a Republican cliche. That's what it takes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jokes that fly over their heads

We oldsters often slide sly silly sayings past puzzled people. I have an example: On the commuter train, the Coater, I so often stood in line for the car's toilet that i finally told the next guy in line, "I have an antique bladder."

Back at the trailer park, they thought that was pretty funny.

The other day my hairdresser, a slip of a girl, called me "A foolish old woman." I was so pleased I promptly got a badge fabricated that said"Foolish Old Woman". I wear it on special occasions.

One day I was holding an open house for an owner who was addicted to Glen Beck. I was asked by more rational friends, "How do you stand it?"Simple, I told them. I just turn off my hearing aid. If the whole world did that, it would be a saner place. As a matter of fact, it's a durn shame that everyone doesn't have a hearing aid which could shut out Glen Beck.

My baby girl has a 47th birthday in a few days and I hope to send her a check. If the market behaves, I'll withdraw a bit and do that. But you know, the market is almost as quixotic as Glen Beck.

The other day, John McCain said he had never been a Maverick. Well, I'm his age so I think I'll declare I never have been a Socialist. Wanna fight?

But I bet he has an antique bladder.