
Sunday, December 12, 2010

directing people, not posting

Horrors, little ones. As a closet historian/sociologist, I have lots to say and nobody to see it. Oh well, what else is new.
Here for your edification is a sequence of 'transitional thought words." My construct. In the 1970's it was "uh." The word was so pervasive that even Toastmasters charged speakers a nickel for each "uh" uttered. Eventually, the word became anathema, if it was a word at all.
Next, in the 1980s and 1990s it was "You know." Caroline Kennedy established herself as an out-of-touch lightweight in the 2008 Presidential Campaign by slinging about the "you knows" till listeners were shrieking.
Now, kids, it's "but-uh." The noise (I won't dignify it by calling it a word) bridges all kinds of thoughts from one dumb idea to another. Guess what I think of the word/noise?
Sometime in there was "well, uh" That wasn't as bad as "but-uh" but was still majorly annoying.
The object of this post? Be aware of your unconscious transitional sounds. If possible, leave them out.