
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Words of Wisdom from Grandma Letty: We sold our Google stock

Words of Wisdom from Grandma Letty: We sold our Google stock

We sold our Google stock

Dear Ones:

IT people are unstoppable.  They seeminly must mess with platforms.  In fact, they're unhappy unless they're moving my dashboard. The latest deal: my blog disappeared again. The site said it had been discontinued. I went to blogger and after an hour and a half got it back.  I don't know how.  Lots of "restoring" messages and little circles going round and round.  I could only hope it would reappear.
Lo and behold, it did. Happiness.  I was prepared to bid goodbye and let it go into the ether, but I'm happy I didn't have to be so philosphical. Not that I write anything memorable or even significant, but someday my progeny will know me better and either admire or pooh-pooh my efforts.  Probably the latter.
When I did my stint with AOL in the 80s and 90s, everything on A&R changed all the time, even the name of the site. It was my first experience with personnel who didn't know enough to let well enough alone. We could never build up an online presence because the IT guys were determined to change everything. I used to get dizzy at the changes I had to make, let alone my followers, such as they were.
I had another example of IT meddling.  I have a Pacific Life fund which is, near as I can tell, investing in credit default swaps and deriivatives.  At least its going down while everything else in going up. The lesson is, they keep changing the Pacific Life web site so I can no longer use it. Once again, change for change's sake.  They're like bureaucrats, these iT guys, who have to keep their jobs.  I have a proposal:  Hire them not as employees but as one-time web designers as my brillian daughter, Carole, did.  She 's and her IT work is great.  And for good.