
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

competence is a beautiful thing

Dear Ones:

After a few years on this planet, I have come to value vastly different things than I did when I was your age.  The most notable one is competence. Show me an expert on something, anything, whether task or substance, and I'll show you someone I think is really spiffy.
Case in point: We love to watch Book TV on C-Span 2 on weekends. The airwaves are rife with competence, for a change.  After toiling over the research necessary to construct a non-fiction book of some size, an author usually really knows what he's talking about.  Contrast these fellows and gals with the talking heads on Cable. Miles, yea miles, apart.My beloved husband, who yearns to be on Book TV, is such an absorber of facts and trivia and stuff about the five Russian authors he features. He stopped a recent critic dead by dropping Rimsky Korsakov's nickname.  That's serious scholarshiip.
Our petite webmaster is an example of task mastery.  We say "whozis" and lo and behold it appears where it should on our website. She's the embodiment of competence.
Our dear "estate manager" (well, ok, he's a handyman ) keeps our aging home and appliances and machines in running order with hardly a blink. I've never seen anyone grasp a problem and solve it faster than Don, the person in question.  Further, with a word he buckles down and is out of here in jig time.Socorro, our occasional household heavy task tackler, is really really good and fast and thorough.
Being able to attract and keep first class competent help is a talent which I bow to John for. He bonds with everyone, easily.  They love to help him.  It's a talent.  Carole, my oldest, has that talent too.Her babysitter was with her for 16 years and just showed up to applaud Carole's son, The Eagle Scout.For that matter, Grandma Letty flew cross country to do the same.  Being an Eagle is a big deal and demonstrates competence.  Isn't that where we started this essay?  Maybe it's a competent blog.I hope.