
Saturday, January 5, 2008

A guaranteed Audience of 27

Pity the poor first-time blogger who sends wisdom into the ether and it is like a Billboard in the woods: No one ever sees it. All 27 of you grandchildren, and perhaps your mommys and daddys and step mommys and step daddys could, possibly, take and interest.
The first thing I have to tell you is that I'm vastly encouraged by the election results in Iowa. Your grandmother was a sort-of hippy who worked for Kennedy 1 and sees a Black Camelot on the Horizon. (Ask your parents what that means. You should find out.)
Jackie and John Kennedy were not afraid of excellence. Take Pat Nixon, who called in a decorator from California to furnish the Oval Office (the Place where the business of our country is done in the White House.) Then they were so proud of it they replicated it in the Nixon Library in Fullerton California. It is simply awful/terrible. I shuddered at the sight. Compare that was Jackie Kennedy who took a run-down White House and called in Museum Heads and International Furniture Experts to fix it. Not a decorator, I suspect, in the mix. Or if one existed, they deferred to taste-makers of great reputation.
Or take the Kennedy Cabinet. Not a yes-man in the herd. It was a time of challenge and ferment, and it was exciting after Eisenhower. When I met Mamie Eisenhower she was mainly interested in lipstick shades. Not a good sign.
Well, darlings, I'm sure I'm taxing your interest. What do you care about Camelot and who in ned was Mamie Eisenhower? Find out, and you'll grow big and strong. And informed.

Loving all of you
Grandma Letty

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