
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Black President:: Unintended Consequences

Barack Hussein Obama lived in a state and a decade that was inordinately tolerant of him. Unlike him, I grew up in the Jim Crow era and locale.  Here's what I know the back room boys with their cigars and their "gentlemen's " clubs are saying to each other in private: "Obama is just one of them 'uppity' niggers." These guys hated Tiger Woods. He stole their game.  They hated Michael Jordan.  He replaced their heroes. They hated Jackie Robinson.  He didn't let well enough alone.If they'd been on the planet that far back, they'd have hated Jim Thorpe.
Their numbers are legion on wall street. In the back rooms of the Republican party. You see that everywhere.  They want Obama to fail, and they'll bring down the economy and even the country to accomplish that.
I doubt if anyone born after 1947 believes me.  But brothers and sisters, I know what I'm taking about.
Our president made a brilliant and spirited speech about Race in Philadelphia in the campaign. He needs to bring it up to date.
Much has happened since the election to underscore the latent hatred in America. It's only the minority that still honors Jim Crow.  The trouble is, it's a minority that sits in the seats of power in government, in business, in wall street.  These guys gotta be called out, and our president is just the guy to do it.

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