
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Love Affir with California is consumated

When I married husbnad number 3, a California native, I began my conversion. True, the place was not Florida, where I had 29 years of close friends and adventures,; it was no the intellectual stimulation and libraries of Boston, which I left so reluctantly 40 years ago, but yesterday my Wh.conversion came.
Lobster, that wonderful concoction that helps me hang on, came to my little home town.
Well, sort of my home town. The next-abutting town over.The Red Lobster franchise there.began Lobsterfrest What joy. Then, the sandwich shop in my vicinity featured lobster rolls.I succumbed over and over.I wondered "what else could anyone want?
I had good friends. I had a comfortable coach which was almost paid for. My children were doing well in their respective lives. Mu husband was a gem.Like the lost bear, I had fallen into a honeypot. THERE WAS FRESH LOBSTER HERE.
Previous satisfactions have evaporated.I am truly content. LOng live California, my love, my home., .

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